A boy storms into his family's kitchen after school in a rage. He will never, he tells his mother, be caught dead in heaven. Sid, their next-door neighbor, has done him wrong, and he doesn't want to deal with him past the pearly gates. Curious, his mother questions him about heaven and what he's learned about it in his Sunday school class, and they come to the conclusion that bad people and people who don't believe in God won't go to heaven.
The boy finally explains why he's mad at Sid: he has stolen the dime he got from the tooth fairy last night. Sid, he concludes, is a bad person and won't go to heaven, but his mother is suspicious. She thinks Sid is nice enough, just like her own kids. At this, the boy warms to her considerably and hugs her leg. Kindly, she tells him to hurry over to Sid's house to ask for his dime back, but through tears and a smile, he looks back up at her and shakes his head. The tooth, he admits, was Sid's.