In a distant future, aliens came back from Mars, seeking help from humans and ended up living in the Northern hemisphere. For reasons that remain somewhat unclear, the capitalist humans are now at war with the socialist aliens--even though the aliens do nothing but regrown and salvage the earth the humans have destroyed with their consumption.
One unnamed corporate solider—all human war is now orchestrated through corporations—explains glimpses of their life as a solider and details the light travel technology that allows soldiers to disappear and reappear anywhere on the planet, almost immediately. Yet all is not what it seems with this technology. In the midst of their light traveling, the soldier starts experiencing visions. While these visions are common and ignored by all the soldiers, the protagonist starts to lean into them. They realize that they are seeing the future in their visions. The soldier ultimately uses this knowledge and this ability to try to save lives, both human and alien, and undermine their bosses.