Go Fish
By Ian Rogers, first published in Tor.com
Three psychics investigate a fish plant known for its history of murders. When they arrive, they discover that the killer may be more than they can handle.
Published in
Plot Summary
A team of psychics, forty-year-old Charles, twenty-year-old Sally, and twenty-year-old Toby from an organization called Mereville Group that deals with the occult, visits a fish processing plant. They interview a guard and claim they belong to an insurance company called the Mereville group. In reality, their group owns the fish processing plant. They ask for details about the mysterious death of the security guards a couple of days ago. This security guard explains that the other security guard was doing his patrols when he didn't return. He went to investigate and saw that the door to the facility was open. Security guards aren't allowed to enter the facility, and he found that suspicious. When he entered the building, he saw that the other security guard had been torn to shreds. After the interview, the three psychics discuss who could be the murderer. They realize that this fishing plant has had a history of deaths. In 1957, 25 workers were brutally killed. The fish plant went up for sale and was later bought by Mereville insurance. Four psychics from the Mereville group went to investigate the fish processing plant in 1970, but all of the investigators died in the same brutal way. Mereville then shut down the factory and posted security guards to prevent others from entering the building.
Charles explains that they can't destroy the building as it's full of supernatural beings, such as ghosts. If the building is destroyed, they will no longer be imprisoned in this place and will be free to roam. The forensic evidence on the dead security guard's body shows that it belonged to a bull shark. The group is shocked by the conclusion as they realize what supernatural being they are dealing with: a bull shark ghost. Charles explains that the bull shark ghost must feed on many people. It needs to eat 25 people typically. However, it was satisfied with the four psychics because their supernatural powers added more nutritional value.
Charles realizes that since they are all psychics, they will be able to lure out the shark. The three psychics decide to enter the building. As they wait for the shark to appear, Sally decides to astral project to try to lure the shark. However, the shark manages to mentally grab her and start to pull her spirit into the water. Toby saves Sally by projecting himself and pulling her soul out of the water. Sally manages to get her spirit back into her body. However, the ghost shark begins to use the water around the fish plant to try to take form. It then begins to try to drown the fish plant with the people in it by having the channel flood. The psychics need to stop the shark before it causes damage, and they begin to astral project and try to infiltrate the shark's mind to stop it. They succeed and force the shark back into the water, making it lose its corporal form.