The story follows a boy as he graduates from school. After graduation, he and another girl who was graduating went to a diner. She talks about how she will go to Montanna and he will go back to the city. The boy says he loves her and wants to be with her. They run into one of their teachers, and the teacher welcomes them to the world. After the teacher leaves, the boy decides to propose to the girl, and she accepts. They want the teacher to be the witness for the wedding. As they leave to find the teacher, the girl thinks of how she won’t go to Montanna anymore, and the boy thinks of how he is following the tradition of how his parents got married. When they find the teacher’s residence, they ring the bell several times and no one responds. They think about how in love they are and run inside. They realize that the police had been called, and one of the teachers is upset. They realize the teacher they wanted to be the witness to their wedding had killed herself. The boy and the girl fall into immediate shock. The girl decides she needs to catch the bus to go back to Montanna, and the boy helps her go. They think of how none of these things in the real world are taught in school.