Shadow of a Girl
By E. B. Ashton, first published in Harper's Magazine
An American man falls in love with a polish woman in Poland. However, the beginning of World War II causes tensions in the relationship.
Published in
Plot Summary
An American man living in Poland meets a Polish woman named Dunya before World War II at a bar. Dunya is waiting for her father, who always gets drunk by the night's end. The two form an instant friendship. Dunya is proud of being Polish and wants the best for her country. The American wants to take Dunya on a date, but she will only talk to him at the bar. World War II begins, and the Nazis try to take over Poland. The man says he will stay, but Dunya tells him to return home. She mentions that she has an American female friend living in Poland, and Dunya believes the American friend is perfect for him. The man finally agrees to return to America, and Dunya arranges for him to go on the same ship her American friend will be using. On the boat, the American man meets Dunya's American friend, Jill. The man is upset that Dunya chose Poland over him and decides to pursue a romantic relationship with Jill. However, Jill constantly asks him what Dunya was to the man. Additionally, Jill carries a letter that Dunya gave her. The American man asks to read the letter, but Jill refuses to show him. Instead, she holds the piece of paper in her purse. When the two return to America and continue dating for a while, the man asks Jill to marry him, but Jill refuses. Jill is obsessed with learning about the man's past with Dunya and how he was able to get over her so fast. No matter how often the man explains that Dunya means nothing to him, Jill doesn't believe him. The man begins to think that the letter Dunya gave Jill is the cause of Jill's mistrust. One day, when Jill is out, the man reads the letter. In the letter, he discovers that Dunya was in love with the man. However, Dunya knew the relationship wouldn't work due to the war and, as a result, asked Jill to be the man's new lover.