Short stories by Grace Flandrau

Grace Flandrau (1886-1971) was an American literary novelist, essayist, and journalist based in Minnesota. She published six books, a number of short stories, and was also active as a travel writer. Her short stories were published in the New Yorker, Harper's Magazine, Collier's, and the Saturday Evening Post. She is noted for providing satirical commentary on contemporary high-class society in her novels, of which she was a part.

Listing 2 stories.

A young girl stays with a bizarre family that has magical powers. As strange things happen to the family members, the girl starts to believe that the family lineage will die out.

A woman's chronic illness stirs up long-suppressed conflict within her family. As she helplessly listens to her husband and brother-in-law argue about the best treatments, she wishes she could be there to defend her troubled husband.