
Short stories by Art Taylor

Art Taylor is the author of the story collection The Boy Detective & The Summer of ’74 and Other Tales of Suspense _and of the novel in stories _On the Road with Del & Louise, _winner of the Agatha Award for Best First NovelHe won the 2019 Edgar Award for Best Short Story for “English 398: Fiction Workshop,” originally published in _Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, and he has won three additional Agatha Awards, an Anthony Award, four Macavity Awards, and four Derringer Awards for his short fiction. His work has also appeared in Best American Mystery Stories, and he edited Murder Under the Oaks: Bouchercon Anthology 2015, winner of the Anthony Award for Best Anthology or Collection, and California Schemin’: Bouchercon Anthology 2020. He is an associate professor of English at George Mason University, and he has contributed frequently to the Washington Post, the Washington Independent Review of Books, and Mystery Scene Magazine.

Listing 1 story.

A woman with a thief for a partner becomes fed up with how frugal he is with his stolen riches, to the point where he neglects her desires. She considers using violence to make him care about her.