Mr. Halloran Beresford, a small man with a unimposing demeanor, was on his way home from work to surprise his wife with theatre tickets and candy for her birthday. However, on his way, Mr. Beresford began being stalked by a man described as "the funny looking-guy in the light hat.” No matter how many detours he took home, Mr. Beresford ran into the light hat everywhere he went, and the further he traveled, the more Mr. Beresford began to suspect everyone he encountered on the bus, on the street and in the shops as being strange and trying to trap him. Mr. Beresford was erupting with paranoia. Finally, Mr. Beresford made it home and began to feel safe, until he was sitting on the couch in his living room and he heard his wife say "I've got him." Now he suspects she is trying to get him too, but he still does not know why.