In a post-apocalyptic world, creatures of the animal kingdom gather outside the walls of an abandoned city to discuss who the new ruler of animals will be. During their debates, they realize no one can confirm mankind's disappearance because no one has entered the city.
The domesticated animals, like Hound and Horse, refuse to enter out of obedience to their former masters. The wild animals, like Fox and Lion, are too fearful of mankind to intrude on his territory. They decide to seek out Cat, who does not fit neatly into either category and can therefore enter the city and reveal mankind’s fate.
Cat tells of her trip inside the city, where she met no humans, but was gifted with a robe and shoes. She makes the animals realize they’ve recently been granted the power of speech, like humans, and that they can now stand on two feet and feel the shame of nakedness that befell Adam and Eve before their fall from grace.
Two messengers then descend on Earth and inform the animals that their salvation will rest on mankind’s redemption. Left with many unanswered questions, the animals, now metamorphized into mankind's likeness, walk into the ruined city to remake for the arrival of a messiah.