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Listing 375 stories.

A housewife in Wisconsin tries desperately to warn people about the impending doom Hitler poses as he rises to power in Europe. Simultaneously, she lives vicariously through her daughters and hopes to glean satisfaction out of their romances where she can't from her own.

All the boys on a street in Nigeria are killed in slow succession by a perplexing and inescapable fever. The family of one boy struggles to find a way to save him from his fate.

A middle-aged New York editor becomes entranced by a young female writer whose work he rejects. As they meet more and more frequently for coffee, the editor endlessly analyzes whether or not the young woman shares his interest in becoming more than friends.

A young girl obsessed with birdsong and other music finds a witch who helps her become a powerful and magical musician presiding over a remote coastal village. She becomes dissatisfied with the limits of her powers and decides to seek more.

On their honeymoon in present-day Rome, two newlyweds encounter a rift when the wife’s demands that their in-vitro child be Jewish doesn’t sit well with her atheist husband.

Three boys wreak havoc upon a woman's Georgia property and refuse to leave.

After Jehovah's witnesses find a couple brutally murdered in their trailer, convenience store owners remember their own interactions with the couple in the time preceding the murders.

After her husband's unexpected death, a white widow becomes a recluse, spending all of her time in her unruly garden. One day, over come by rage, she feels compelled to harm the Black boy who works in her garden.

There are 770 million cameras in the world and we don't know who is watching or why. An worker in boiler room, a cop, a high school student, and a woman escaping from an abusive environment all have one thing in common, they are being watched.

A nameless person tells a story of when they had an intimate conversation over dinner with a former schoolmate whom they idealized.