Short stories by Hester Kaplan

Hester Kaplan

is the author of UNRAVISHEDTHE TELLTHE EDGE OF MARRIAGE , winner of the Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction, and KINSHIP THEORY.

Her stories and non-fiction have appeared in numerous literary journals and anthologies, including The Best American Short Stories series, Ploughshares, Agni Review, Southwest Review, Story, and Glimmer Train. Recent awards include the Salamander Fiction Prize, the McGinnis Ritchie Award for Non-Fiction, and a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts.

She is on the faculty of Lesley University’s MFA Program in Creative Writing.

Listing 2 stories.

After a hurricane destroys a man’s island vacation spot, a guest with AIDS offers to save his family business in exchange for a controversial act of mercy.

In the late 20th century, an aging couple's daughter returns to live with her parents in an attempt to flee her failing marriage. While the mother easily slips back into her maternal role, the arthritic father struggles to empathize with his youngest child, and, in his increasing frustration, commits an unforgivable act that isolates him from his family.