
Short stories by Daniel Orozco

Daniel Orozco’s first collection, Orientation, published 2011 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, collects several stories that had been admired by readers when they first appeared — the title story in Best American Short Stories and some of the others in Harper’s, Zoetrope: All Story, McSweeney’s, Ecotone and the Pushcart Prize anthology. In 2006, he was a finalist for a National Magazine Award in fiction. Mr. Orozco is a former NEA Fellow, and has been a Stegner Fellow and a Jones Lecturer at Stanford University. Currently, he lives in Moscow, Idaho where he teaches creative writing at the University of Idaho and is at work on a novel. 

Listing 1 story.

A co-worker gives a new staff member an introductory tour of the office, while providing small gossip about other employees along the way.