Short stories by Scott Nadelson

Scott Nadelson grew up in northern New Jersey before escaping to Oregon, where he has lived for the past twenty-four years. He has published four collections of short stories, The Fourth Corner of the World, named a Jewish Fiction Prize Honor Book by the Association of Jewish Libraries; AftermathThe Cantor’s Daughter; and Saving Stanley: The Brickman Stories; and a memoir, The Next Scott Nadelson: A Life in Progress. His novel Between You and Me was published by Engine Books in 2015, and his new story collection, One of Us, will be published by BkMk Press in October, 2020. Winner of the Reform Judaism Fiction Prize, the Great Lakes Colleges Association New Writers Award, and an Oregon Book Award, Scott’s work has appeared in a variety of magazines and literary journals, including PloughsharesThe Southern ReviewNew England ReviewHarvard ReviewGlimmer Train, and Crazyhorse, and his work has been cited as distinguished in both the Best American Short Stories and Best American Essays anthologies. He teaches at Willamette University, where he is Hallie Brown Ford Chair in Writing, and in the Rainier Writing Workshop MFA Program at Pacific Lutheran University.

Listing 1 story.

In the early 1930s, an aspiring Jewish artist takes a voyage across the Atlantic in search of a mentor in Paris. The man she is looking for is no longer there, but she meets someone else instead: a doctor turned novelist with an unsavory philosophy but burning desires.