Short stories by Sarah Gailey

Hugo Award Winner and Bestselling author Sarah Gailey is an internationally published writer of fiction and nonfiction. Their nonfiction has been published by Mashable and the Boston Globe, and they won a Hugo award for Best Fan Writer. Their most recent fiction credits include Vice and The Atlantic. Their debut novella, River of Teeth, was a 2018 Hugo and Nebula award finalist. Their bestselling adult novel debut, Magic For Liars, was published in 2019; their latest novella, Upright Women Wanted, was published in February 2020. Their Young Adult novel debut, When We Were Magic, came out in March 2020. You can find links to their work at; find them on social media @gaileyfrey.

Listing 1 story.

In the wake of a life-altering event, Anna has returned to work and written a standard, dry academic graf on self-driving cars—which, in 2042, have become the standard mode of transportation. Her paper's footnotes, however, reveal a tragic story.