Plot Summary
Jane, a freshly divorced astronomer discovers a UFO rotating in Saturn's orbit called UO-1. This discovery takes her mind off of her divorce. There's a ton of tension surrounding this discovery because corporations are fighting over who owns UO-1, there are many governments arguing over what to do about it, how it should be approached or if it should even be analyzed at all. This tension lasts for 2 and a half years and nothing happens. Meanwhile Jane has obsessively looked to UO-1 for hope in her life. She's done over 150 interviews about it and attends multiple meetings, hoping to convince someone to pursue it as a project. Fed up with the discovery going nowhere, Jane writes a proposal suggesting to use "Angelus", an upcoming rocket launch for analyzing UO-1. Her coworker and friend, Marsh, is not happy about this because he's been waiting on this launch his entire life. When Jane's proposal is rejected, she sobs and tells Marsh how frustrated she is. He tells her about a movie that made him happy and that sometimes things in life don't need to serve a greater purpose besides just making us happy. Jane takes this to heart. She writes another proposal to a large corporation that suggests sending a craft in the direction of UO-1 carrying Sagan's Voyager plaques in an effort to communicate: "Hey we found your device. Want one of ours?"
Jane's proposal is accepted and she finds herself on TV as the face of the project, doing many more interviews. She decides to let go of UO-1, deciding that whether there's a response or not, she's done the best she can.