Plot Summary
The Rickies, formerly known as: Belle, Claire, Beth and Lisa, over the course of a summer spent in Europe, all experience sexual violence. This trauma transforms these young women, Lisa in particular, leading these young women to band together, both out of safety and a sense of a shared trauma that has united them. But what does it mean to live after having experienced something so traumatic? These young women try to come to terms with what this means, from changing names to moving in together. Their shared experience also makes them long for a time before the trauma, a time of innocence. The violence has robbed them of this innocence, has stripped them of a sense of self beyond that violence. But this is not simply just a story about trauma, but memory, the loss of identity that comes with experiencing something like sexual violence. Lisa feels a sense of betrayal when those with whom she has lived and known her trauma begin to move on with their lives. She is left with herself, feeling like she is in a cocoon except it has been fractured, her identity seeping out, not fully formed. The box she keeps under her bed is her memory and remembering of her own trauma and who she was before.