A small Bank of Southern California branch sits at an intersection across the Don-Nut shop, a vacant lot, and a dark house. The desks with the adding machines are visible through the window of the bank, and an unnamed narrator can almost imagine the bald man in the model banker suit warning against risky investments. Through the window of the Do-Nut shop, a man stares outside. Throughout the four blocks of this intersection, cars shriek, as the unnamed narrator muses about what may happen inside the neighborhood 1920s bungalows. The narrator wonders if the Realtor is gone and recalls how they had failed to inform the narrator’s Papa about the issues with their own 1920 bungalow during the purchase. The narrator then muses about how someone could sit in a car at the intersection and wonder why they are so lonely. The Do-Nut man had announced that he and the popcorn man witnessed a man throw a wrench through the bank window, but remains disbelieving of his eyes.